Over the past week as people have dropped by this site to leave a comment, several have questioned my commitment to Taiwan. I have also heard through friends that those with different political views than mine have gone online saying that I should renounce my American citizenship (not Green Card) if I really mean what I say. To those doubters and haters I ask, since when do you have to be born and raised in Taiwan to care and fight for it? Taiwanese people live all across the globe. Many of these Taiwanese have never even set foot on this island, yet know more about this island's history and current situation than many living on this island. Does this make them any less Taiwanese? I was born in the United States and proud of it. I am also Taiwanese and even more proud of that. Is my Taiwanese (Hoklo) perfectly fluent? Not even close. Can I speak Chinese? Not any better than a three-year old, okay two-year old. Do I know everything about Taiwanese history? I only wish I did. Despite all this, I will always hold my head high when I call myself Taiwanese.
For those of you out there that think being Taiwanese means holding a Taiwanese passport or a Taiwanese identification card, you are sadly mistaken. If you believe in the right to self-determination, in the ideals of an open, democratic society, and are willing to fight and speak out for Taiwan that makes you more Taiwanese than any piece of identification. I may have been born in the US, but at least I consider myself Taiwanese, which is more than I can say for many of the Taiwanese people on this island that consider themselves Chinese. To those people, I suggest you renounce your Taiwanese citizenship and emigrate to China, where you will not be able to vote, protest, have the right to free speech, or practice religious freedom. But, you will have all an endless supply of melamine to ingest.
In closing, I just want to say to all those people that have questioned my heart and courage, that if you're going to say I lack the balls to stay in Taiwan, at least have enough guts to leave your real name when you come at me. Don't leave your comments signed "anonymous." It takes absolutely no courage whatsoever to make personal attacks and then hide your identity. I welcome you to step up to the plate.
For those of you out there that think being Taiwanese means holding a Taiwanese passport or a Taiwanese identification card, you are sadly mistaken. If you believe in the right to self-determination, in the ideals of an open, democratic society, and are willing to fight and speak out for Taiwan that makes you more Taiwanese than any piece of identification. I may have been born in the US, but at least I consider myself Taiwanese, which is more than I can say for many of the Taiwanese people on this island that consider themselves Chinese. To those people, I suggest you renounce your Taiwanese citizenship and emigrate to China, where you will not be able to vote, protest, have the right to free speech, or practice religious freedom. But, you will have all an endless supply of melamine to ingest.
In closing, I just want to say to all those people that have questioned my heart and courage, that if you're going to say I lack the balls to stay in Taiwan, at least have enough guts to leave your real name when you come at me. Don't leave your comments signed "anonymous." It takes absolutely no courage whatsoever to make personal attacks and then hide your identity. I welcome you to step up to the plate.
hey Eric,
I agree with you, as I am also of similar background as you. keep up with your work and as I always tell many people.. be yourself and be proud of it.
你既然要講 何不清楚講明你要表達的話
to greene:
承認了吧! 叫聲爸爸來...
to greene:
據你誠懇的口吻,以及斯文的字眼。我相信觀者無不微微感受到你心中那股和平的溫暖。更從你鑠鑠有神的雙眼中透露著一股祥光,彷彿訴說著共產共和的唯美與人群的汗水來相互輝映出理想的馬克思風格烏托邦.........這是多麼熱情又和諧的畫面阿.......但一轉眼!?我卻又懷疑你就算能抹煞掉天安門下的血跡,能遮耳不聞西藏街頭的淒厲哭喊,但你怎麼能夠眼看著無數你的中國孩子身染著無望絕症而為了吃飯去賤賣自己的血液過活.... 而視若無睹,然後還冠冕堂皇面帶微笑的向四海誇耀著共產中國的偉大?...... 我為了你的眼盲心也盲感到汗顏,你自觀無礙的理想背後,蘊藏多少大惡巨奸是你光有理想但無法抑制的罪惡.....望你三思。
Keep up your Taiwanese American-ese. It's sad that it's people like us who correct and educate others that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between Taiwanese and Chinese than those who were born and bred in Taiwan who calls themselves Chinese. The apathetic nature of Taiwanese people is borderline pathetic. No drive to see one's identity recognized or heritage preserved.
"For those of you out there that think being Taiwanese means holding a Taiwanese passport or a Taiwanese identification card, you are sadly mistaken."
Eric- unfortunately for you, this is "THE" standard that DPP 民進黨 applies to define "who" are Taiwanese and "who" can say that he/she "loves" Taiwan 愛台灣. During the March Taiwanese presidential eleciton DPP has again applied this standard to Ma and said that Ma is not Taiwanese. If we apply the DPP standard consistently here, you are NOT Taiwanese and you have no "right" to calim that you love Taiwan, unless according to DPP that you renounce your American citizenship.
哎..你們這些獨派ABC真是...「豬八戒照鏡子,裡外不是人」.. 口憐哦...
I definitely support and agree with you. If anyone that have lived in other countries, they will know to appreciate their home country. I am not like those people that you said, "For those of you out there that think being Taiwanese means holding a Taiwanese passport or a Taiwanese identification card, you are sadly mistaken." I am a true Taiwanese and always will be proud to be a Taiwanese.
Born in USA! Stay in USA!
An American-Taiwanese bay guy(美台爛人)named 張浩明 who perhaps was unemployeed in USA , so he comes to Taiwan to rob our Taiwanese people's job opportunity. Shame on him!
Is it his job to protest against mainland? Uh yes, this is his first job,perhpas low-paid money he can receive!
Dear the government of USA, please send this American guy back to USA!
from Voice of Taiwanese People
Quote from
to greene
給那位Born in USA! Stay in USA!
那馬小九是不是要Born in HK! Stay in HK??
to the genius that said, "民主不能當飯吃." can you eat communism? how about socialism? how about totalitarianism?
since you seem to be so wise, can you please elaborate how 共產可能當飯吃? if you have the answer, i would love to tell the 1.2 billion people of China. the floor is yours.
to greene
ㄟ樓上的不要汙辱牛啦 那是賽啦
I'm not big in Taiwan/China politics but I do I have one little request. Would you please wear a Yankees' hat in ur next interview with 民視 or just in any public appearance?
Boston Sox=Yankees haters=Wang Chien-Ming Haters=Taiwan haters.
Actually, regardless of which team you support, can you wear a Yankees hat as a shout-out to your boy "F.O. Bizzo" here in the Big Apple representing T-Dub? (T-Dub=>T Double U=>TW=>Taiwan)
As a fellow American, I'm very proud of you!
I'm proud of the fact that you're an American, that you nourish the impoverished nations with Starbucks and McDonald's.
I'm proud of the fact that you're an American, that you strengthened the ailing nations by selling them the "best weapons" during the Vietnam War Era and encourage children to "fight for your right."
I'm proud of the fact that you're an American, that you charge everything on credit card and buy houses you can't really afford just so you can enrich the poor nations by selling them the sub-prime securities.
I'm proud of the fact that you're an American, that you govern the domestic policy of other inferior nations in the name of liberty and justice.
Keep up the good work!!
Hi Eric,
This is Simon from CA. I was born in TW, but lives in the States now, and I call myself both Taiwanese and Americans. Yes, you will encounter Taiwanese haters ignorants and rejects, but don't get discouraged. For everyone of those out there, there are dozens of you and I who believe in the principle of freedom, self determination, and the moto, "Give me liberty or give me death."
Unlike many chinese who just wanted to leach off Taiwan, and holds green card or other citizenship, us Taiwanese will live in this world with clear conscious and live a meaningful lives.
May god bless Taiwan and true Taiwanese. And famine and death curses all the pretenders, traitors, and enemies.
Per Simmon's post: "And famine and death curses all the pretenders, traitors, and enemies." Is this what you called democracy? Is this what the Constitution called "secure the Blessings of Liberty?"
Typical stupid American. Go support Bush and shut the fuck up.
F.O. Bizzo,
hey man, i was gonna wear a yankees hat, but they were sold out the sunday before my little shout out to chang min qin. the red sox was the only one they had that fit. i'm definitely a wang chien ming fan. he's tainan all the way.
This comment has been removed by the author.
dude eric
forget the Yankees hat and east coast F.O. Bizzo...wear a Cubs jersey! Holla at ya boy in the Midwest. Chi-Town represent! And what's up with ppl hating on America here? go back to your own country if you don't like it. What's there not to like about us? We invented baseball, we got women with big old "brains", big cars and big houses. U hate because u got a small dizzick....
to the person made the huge sweeping generalizations about americans, i must say congratulations. you do have such a gift with words and even more, your power and depth of analysis is something to be envied.
i rarely if ever frequent starbucks or the golden arches. i wasn't aware that i couldn't pay for my credit card and i didn't know that i was buying multiple houses that i could not afford. the vietnam war was the US bombing innocent vietnamese, cambodian, and laotian farmers and civilians. by saying those things about americans that aren't representative of me whatsoever, i must say, touche.
I admire your courage to stand up against what you perceived as oppression and tyranny. Tough I praise your bravery and understand your passion, I strongly disapprove your action in the university. Courage in excess may result in poor judgment about ends worth achieving. Further more, I strongly disagree with you regarding the conflicts between Taiwan and China. I believe you have analyzed this issue through a dichotomy paradigm and have viewed the Geo-politics in both China and Taiwan in a static post-civil war manner. I understand that the tragic 228 incident has evoked angers and instilled the hatreds in our minds. In my humble opinion, we need to put the differences behind us and work together to achieve a more harmonious society. I believe your judgment and actions in the university had impeded this goal, or worse, moved us towards the contrary direction. It is our basic instinct as human beings to live free from oppression and tyranny and I believe the governments from both sides of the Taiwanese Strait realized this fact and are working hard in achieving that goal. I sincerely hope you could give both Chinese and Taiwanese a chance to live like you did here in the United States, under the blessings of liberty and prosperity. I believe the best way to do so is to united the people instead of further divide us as you did that day in the lecture hall in the university.
哎呦..你做的也不過是"小鼻子 小眼睛"的事.. 張銘清在大陸政壇連F咖都算不上,你在他演講時亂喊一通有個屁用啊~~ 你有本事就去大陸跟胡錦濤拉布條抗議啊~~
Thanks Eric! Do you have any upcoming interviews or media appearance? Put it on youtube or your blog if you have a chance...I don't have Taiwanese channels here! Go Yankess!
F.O. Bizzo
to greene
Re: Previous Anonymous Post
You know a true discussion in politics shouldn't have any personal attacks. Saying "希望你因為嘴巴爛掉而有所警惕別再吃大便了....別無謂的吃進去又吐出來令人噁心." Is not only immature but also pointless. I'm truly concerned about Taiwan's future. Hope you're not going to be one of the future leaders on the island. People like you give bad rep about Taiwanese people.
to 正港....台灣人!?
我看你是“正港笑死人“阿,也是“正港不是人“,你在台灣算是中國人在中國算是台灣人!怎麼樣?在夾縫中兩面不是人好玩不好玩?居然還在這裡要求別人為你拋頭顱撒熱血!?要臉不要? 有人勇敢站出來在惡勢力面前冒著危險對抗,你卻坐在家裡吃著爆米花吹著冷氣還說著別人的風涼話..... 不要臉也不要丟你祖宗的臉,我最討厭你這種沒腦袋沒膽量的牆頭草了,回你的星球去吧!地球是很危險的。
Re: Previous Anonymous Post
"不要臉也不要丟你祖宗的臉,我最討厭你這種沒腦袋沒膽量的牆頭草了." Again, another immature in pointless post. Let's form our opinions based on facts. Let's discuss base on one's "judgment" not "motive." I'm sure Eric's intention in creating this blog was to raise awareness in Taiwanese democracy, not to make a fool out of ourselves.
to concernedcitizen:
to concernedcitizen:
但此規則是否有模糊地帶?比方說樓上那位自稱正港台灣人的仁兄語下的:張銘清在大陸政壇連F咖都算不上 and 最討厭你們這種只會用嘴巴喊獨立的ABT了<-----算不算personal attacks呢?
Hi Eric,
When I first saw the video of you protesting in front of the 張鉻清, I was moved with your courageous action and hope more young generations in Taiwan will learn to step up for themselves and fight for Taiwan's pride and right. Without the country, their futures are in jeopardy. Living in U.S., it is painful to see how KMT gradually eats away the democracy that many others have set forth for Taiwan in the past 20 years. I can never understand how some people in Taiwan want to unify with China, a country which deprives its people's news freedom and poisons its people mentally.
Thank you for setting an excellent example for young people in Taiwan - stand up for what you believe. Go Eric!
Sara from CA
Comment on "Stop cutting the pie and let's make":
I wonder if British could unify with American if any side has the intent?! I strongly suggest those who want to unify with China, please take a boat or swim across the strait. No one will stop you. It really beats me why they want to unify with China and yet still continue stay in Taiwan????
Comment to 正港台灣人:
Can you share what you have done for Taiwan to call yourself 正港台灣人? Wise people don't run before they can walk. We take one step at a time to make sure we can leap when the time is right.
Re: Previous anonymous post
Thank you for pointing that out. You're absolutely correct about the question: "Where do we draw the line?" Frankly, I'm in no position in "setting the line." I have no authority in telling you what you can or cannot say. Freedom of speech is the fundamental principal of democracy. If you want, we can further our discussion on the definition of "Freedom from" and "Freedom to" in the classical liberal way. The point I was trying to make is to remind all of us to form opinions based on facts not form personal attacks. Regarding the sentence "最討厭你們這種只會用嘴巴喊獨立的ABT了" This is an opinion, but I can not tell you if this is based on the fact or not. This will be something Eric can answer whether he serve the military or not. Sorry, if I came across as taking on sides on this discussion and please don't take my criticism personally.
to 正港賣台人;
My simple point is that I have had enough of people, like Eric, A-bien and all those 民進黨 politicians, who only "demand" Taiwan independence with their loud mouths. Show me real "actions" and sincerity like join the Taiwanese army. 民進黨 was in power for EIGHT long years and have nothing to show for Taiwan independence, hey but they had plenty of time for corruption. All we hear is 228 and blah blah during election time. Words sound so hollow and empty from people like Eric and 民進黨. They only have loud mouths, but no strategy, no wisdom and no sincerity and most important of all no REAL actions…
Eric’s holding up a banner and shouting on our home turf was not courageous by any standard. I would have saluted him if he did that in Beijing, or Shanghai or anywhere in China.
I think what hurts me the most is to see leaders in both parties divide us further apart on this small but beautiful island. I say let's UNITE the people in TAIWAN! Let's pride ourselves as a society free from tyranny and oppression. Let's lead the Four Asian Tigers again like we did back in the 60s, the 70s, the 80s and the 90s. Let's educate ourselves and fight against injustices with our knowledge. People of Taiwan! Wake up! Stop infighting, stop dividing! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of not being able to find a job, not being able to support a family and I'm also tired of politicians pointing fingers and not working together in cleaning up this mess that we had all contributed.
To anonymous,
I think you misunderstood my point here. I have never mentioned the word "unify." My vision was to achieve a more harmonious society by putting differences behind us. Take U.K. and the U.S. for example, both nations fought against Nazi Germany in WWII, both nations are member of NATO and both nations are participants of WTO. Both nations hold seats in United Nations and there had been, and will continuously, active international trades between two countries.Based on the current economic situation, I believe cooperations and further understandings between people in China and Taiwan will improve both societies. (Note: I did not mention "submission" to Chinese government)
"最討厭你們這種只會用嘴巴喊獨立的ABT了" This is an opinion,"
Yes, this is my opinion, not personal attacks. Of course Eric and all those pro Taiwan independence ABT can prove my opinion wrong by stating if they ever served or plan to serve in the Taiwanese army. If Taiwan does declare independence prematurely, will they stay to fight the Chinese army to defend our properties and lives if China attacks Taiwan?
I have a hunch that these ABTs are most likely to stand on the roof top of AIT waiting to be airlifted out of Taiwan if war breaks out between Taiwan and China.
Yes, this is also a personal opinion and it is a fact too. 張銘清 was only a spokesperson when he had an official position as 中國國台辦發言人. Eric protesting to him was like protesting to former 美國國防部亞太事務發言人, not even the former White House spokesperson!! Even his current role as 大陸海協會副會長 in reality is a position in a "private" organization. Yes, 大陸海協會 is NOT any official Chinese government bureau. I will say it again "張銘清在大陸政壇連F咖都算不上" , because he has no decision making power. 跟胡錦濤拉布條抗議才是真英雄. Like this woman did heckle Hu during his press conference in the White House. I say she had guts, but..Eric..not really. :)
正港台灣人, if China attacks, which it will not, where will you be? How can serving in the military be the only action that represents loyalty to your country? What about all the women in Taiwan? Since they do not serve in the military, does this mean that all women in Taiwan do not love this country, excluding females in the army?
Let's look at the bigger picture, do all Americans serve in the US military? No. Does this mean that they do not represent the US or can speak for it? Not for a second.
To live in a free and democratic society means that Taiwanese citizens can choose to do what they want. Citizens serve the country every day without having to kill for it.
If you think that corruption was brought to Taiwan by the DPP, I strongly suggest you look at the entire history of the KMT. Why did the KMT even get kicked out of China by the CCP? The KMT was even too corrupt for China! How do you think it is that the KMT is one of the richest political parties in the WORLD? Corruption.
"to 正港賣台人;
Oh my... this is the biggest joke I have heard this year.. what exactly have these 台灣街頭上的鬥士 done? hahaha...
"你批評綠政府八年無為," I simply asked where is the 台獨 that 綠政府 promised us,? 陳水扁 always just talked a good talk。唷..你不會真的相信阿扁他家的"海角七億"還有阿珍、致中和及他媳婦的金銀珠寶、名錶、名車是真的要用來建國的建國基金吧? hahahaha...
"你可知你口中三言兩語帶過的二二八事件裡面有多少被屠殺的冤魂和多少被踐踏的正義?" 二二八事件是一個時代的悲劇 本省人、外省人都有受害者, 如立委洪秀柱的父親也是二二受害者。陳水扁和民進黨老是在選舉時把二二八家屬拉出來站台,選舉完了就把他們丟在一邊。真台獨的民進黨大佬早被陳水扁趕出權力中心,後來民進黨當權者都是打著台獨旗幟搶權力、A錢的假台獨。 醒醒吧。
一堆民進黨的大老、老大甚至現任議員、縣市長 (陳菊、蘇治芬.....)都爭先恐後跑去大陸招商或做生意,這就是明擺著形勢比人強嘛!! 只有傻百姓還會被選舉語言騙了,你希望這些民進黨去大陸時也被視為"敵人" 然後被打、被罵、被嗆嗎?
"Let's look at the bigger picture, do all Americans serve in the US military? No. Does this mean that they do not represent the US or can speak for it? Not for a second."
Eric, you sound just like the Chicken Hawks Republicans who were so eager to start the war with Iraq, but have all kinds of excuse as to why their own kids don't serve in the military. This Irag war to them has become just like another war movie they watch on TV. No wonder you talk this way.
I asked you to clarify what you would do in a war between Taiwan and China, because you can leave Taiwan with your American passport when war breaks out. Taiwanese soldiers would die and the women and children would be in danger too with no way of leaving!! But not ABT like you and all the others. Your calling for Taiwan independence assuming that there won't be a war sounds sooo..."irresponsible" at best.
War should be the last resort so that no one needs to die in an unnecessary war. War should be prevented to the best of our ability. However, what you and the DPP clowns are doing and the actions that are being promoted do not further Taiwan's cause.
I did not say corruption was brought to Taiwan by DPP. I say that DPP is now just as corrupted as KMT after only EIGHT years in power. Instead of riding cancers like A-bian, DPP politicians are circling around him. At least KMT set Taiwan on a path of prosperity during the 70's through the 90's by setting the right policies and strategy. Don't you dare tell me that it's all because of America that Taiwan enjoyed the economic development!
me a republican? not likely. obama 08!
what will you do in case of war? i'm still waiting for your response. you don't need to answer for me, because it's obvious that you know nothing about what i stand for or are even what i am willing to do.
if you think for a second that the DPP is equally as corrupt at the KMT, then i must say that you are so easily brainwashed. you probably thought that Si Ming Deh's whole red shirt fiasco was actually a real people's movement.
i'm not saying that the DPP is perfect by any means. there were definitely things that the DPP could have done better. however, was our sovereignty ever in as much danger as it is now.
i do not for a moment believe that we can have peaceful negotiations with china until each and every missile has been taken down, and we negotiate on a full state-to-state basis. taiwanese people are in no way the aggressors by supporting independence, which we already have anyways.
正港:what exactly have these 台灣街頭上的鬥士 done? hahaha...
re:老實說,我根本覺得犯罪的人早就該抓起來關了,拖那麼久.... 也趁此機會告訴你,我不是民進黨員。別老斷章取義的把反中國台灣人跟民進黨劃上等號!(我沒受他們操弄,是你反被他們愚弄了)
正港:二二八事件是一個時代的悲劇 本省人、外省人都有受害者, 如立委洪秀柱的父親也是二二受害者。
to greene
軍人是不是會挺Eric 我不知道,但我只知道就算是愛好和平,也不能丟掉手上的武器。兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。懂嗎?笨蛋(抱歉,笨蛋是personal attacks)
Hi Eric,
What's your plan when Chen Yun-Lin visit Taiwan next week? If you ve got any ideas, would like to join as well..
one thing you can do is get on the internet and inform as many people as possible about taiwan's history and current situation. let them know what chen yun lin stands for, which is everything taiwan is not.
when you go out, ask people what the possible benefits could be with having closer relations with the most corrupt, brainwashed country in the world. get more taiwanese people to start really thinking about what's going on in this country.
you're going to see a lot of innocent taiwanese people put in jail this next three days, so make sure any type of protest you hold is non-violent. get it on video too. you don't have to necessarily hit the streets to protest. in taiwan we have several ways to protest. get together with you friends and brainstorm some different ways protest. if you guys come up with anything good, let me know. whatever you do, make sure you stand tall.
Yo Eric,
I'm happy that ur for Obama. U know what state he's from? IL. Chi-town represent! I saw u reply to F.O. Bizzo. I also have one little request! Wear a Cubs jersey! I heard that ur went to Michigan University! C'mon give all ya boyz in the Midwest a shout-out! Maybe you can help break the curse on Cubs!
According to Sun-tzu "If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight, and if not split and reevaluate. "
What's everybody's view regarding the relationship between China & Taiwan? Is China superior? Is Taiwan superior? Or we are equally matched? Are Chinese/Taiwanese angry at each other? What can China/Taiwan do in this situation? What do my friends on this blog think? Both sides are encouraged to participate in this discussion. Thanks!
This comment has been removed by the author.
McCain doesn't know shit about the economy! Palin is just as stupid as Bush, if not worse. The conservatives here in the States are already in deep shit for going into Iraq, you really think any people here really care about Taiwan? Grow up! I bet more than half of the U.S. population can't even point out where the island is, let alone the politics between China and Taiwan.
The politic between Taiwan and China is pretty darn important too.
If China have gained control over Taiwan, they will also gain control of the Pacific Ocean.
If you notice on the world map, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines create a line that block China from going into the Pacific Ocean.
After that, they will might head straight to America.
Think about it.
"what will you do in case of war? i'm still waiting for your response. you don't need to answer for me,"
Eric-what do you suppose we, 正港台灣人, can do in a war between Taiwan and China? 如果你們這些ABT和民進黨挑起戰爭,算我們倒楣,跑不掉,只有等死啊,等著破產啊. are you happy now?
first of all, you need to change your name because nothing that has come out of your mouth represents what a 正港台灣人 would say. please lets stop with the name games. who do you really think you are fooling? i'm pretty sure no one that has ever met you in person would mistake you for a taiwanese person, let alone a 正港台灣人.
and do you have anything else to say besides this imaginary war you think we're going to have? the one where you said you're just going to lay down and die. it's pretty obvious you won't fight for this country either. hey, i could give you my US passport and you can leave this country now.
come on, even a child could think of something else to attack me for, not just will you fight over and over. you sound like a broken record.
China owns about 520 Billion of U.S. treasury securities. (Approx. 20% of total issuance, rank 2nd among list of foreign nations) In addition, China also holds major/minor stakes in numerous domestic companies in the States. You really think that the biggest headache for Americans here is Chinese gaining access to the Pacific Ocean? (I certainly haven't heard of anything in the presidential debate about it) We haven't find Osama yet and the War in Iraq has no end in sight, you really think that McCain is going to "protect" Taiwanese people's liberty? The reason that American go to war is PROFIT. What does Taiwan have to offer that worth American's protection? Americans are more concerned about gay people getting married than about Taiwan. (Judging from the VP debate and interviews with CNN, ABC, FOX and CBS)
To 正港:
如果有人來打你媽媽. would you fight him back? or just cry on the floor and watch everything happens. If you think my assumption (台灣就是台灣人的母親) is not correct, you dont need to answer.
26th California said,
i don't think my shout out can help the cubs man. haha. but i definitely love chi-town. i have a lot of good friends there. but in all honestly, i'm more into basketball. how the bulls looking this year?
"i could give you my US passport and you can leave this country now."
No one is attacking you, you just sound so...
不食人間煙火 不知民間疾苦
Good for you, 算你命好是我們歹命.
Just consider me another 台灣人 who is jealous of 好命的ABT. :(
I am also a Taiwanese/American that lives in Taiwan. I saw you on TV a few weeks ago, just wanna say I am sooooo proud of you! You are great! ^___^
to 正港台灣人
Wow, there is a lot of commies out there with nothing better to do on weekends then staring at computer screens. No wander the poisonous milk doesn't appear to affect them much...b/c they already stupefied.
Keep up the good work Eric, and lets continue fighting the good fight!!
Loving TW does not necessarily mean that one has to be a Taiwan-born & resident Taiwanese. Anyone in the globe identifying with the cause of Taiwanese nationalism can qualify himself or herself as a friend of Taiwan whether a foreigner or a half Taiwanese, or a foreign-born Taiwanese.
Imaging if China really attacks Taiwan, to counter the non-peaceful means by PRC, isn’t it be better that there are Taiwanese or friends of Taiwan abroad to blow-up Chinese embassies everywhere? Think globally, why should the war be fought in Taiwan soil only? So the more foreign-born and raised Taiwanese, the better!
who says that you have to bron in Taiwan to love and care for Taiwan!
不准別人做美國人阿公(扁). 自己卻是是美國人爸爸(馬). 矛盾.
"老蔣你怎麼可以丟下我們而走了..." 國民黨和外省人, 你們的老蔣有愛台灣嗎? 有的話那為什麼還不土葬在台灣呢? 你們的老蔣拉你們過來台灣還不是因為被打敗沒面子!! 一心的一直要回大陸去!! 外省人你們在老蔣的心裡算哪根蔥阿!! 他根本沒把你們放在眼裡!! 他只想回去大陸做大官,台灣那麼小算什麼阿!! 他根本看不起台灣著個小島!!
悲哀阿!! 外省人,你們認同的台灣國旗,被你們選出來的馬先生,逼迫不能在台灣土地上飄揚!!
在國外是因為被大陸打壓.今天是在自己的國家而不能揮舞自己的國旗..... 真是悲哀!!
荒唐!! 他只不過是大陸的一個小到不行的小官員你的有必要拍人家的馬屁嗎?? 喔!忘了你們選出來的台灣總統姓馬,專門拍人家馬屁! 一天到晚只會剪綵,還有去人家喪事流眼淚的馬先生. 傀儡總統.
那些警察的上司真的是中國人民共和國!! 台灣又回到一個沒人權的國家.
who loves Taiwan, loves Taiwan.
who hates those who loves Taiwan, can go back to your china, and stay there!!
I guess envoy Chen has arrived today, and he is not even a government official. Look at the reception Taiwan is displaying. They forbid everything representing Taiwan (ROC). Where are your prides, ROC? Do you not understand the freedom of speech; the rights to demonstrate your belief are so precious. To quote a foreign friend of mine, "Taiwan is cow downing to China. It is sad to see Taiwan this way." What does it take to wake people up? Does it really take a violent revolution to wake everyone up? Has the government really lost its sanity? I tell my child, be proud of your ancestry, you are both Taiwanese and American. Be proud that because of the American Revolution, you have the liberty to think, speak, and the right to choose your religion. Taiwan was free; however, it does not seem to be the case here today. Ultimately, I'd like to see referendum to be a common practice here in Taiwan. Taiwan’s destiny should be determined by its people, not its leader.
Keep up the good fight, Eric! I love your website :) I too, am an ABT, and very passionate about keeping Taiwan free and independent!
to 12:56
謝雪紅喔!我知道阿! 我家巷口那個包菁仔檳榔的叫謝雪紅阿(花名米雪兒),他是不是什麼黨什麼主席什麼委員會什麼貢獻我是不知道啦?我只知道他的檳榔難吃死了,是真的難吃才說得啦!拍謝內!不知道說實話有對不起台灣人這麼嚴重啦!哈哈
to 12:29
Yo Eric,
Yeah Bulls jersey would work...They are not that good this season. Overtime in the preseason game with Bucks...How about Bears jersey? That'll work too. You like football?
By the way to that Anonymous who called Eric gay...
Only gay people can tell who's gay or not. It's called a gay-dar.(Gay + Radar)
啥米..深仇大恨是沒有, 不過現在你這一提,我倒是想起十幾年前在美國唸書時碰到的那些ABT還真有些"賭爛". 他們ABT可是比當地的白人還歧視我們台灣人,有幾個我們明明知道會講台語或國語的ABT聽到我們這些老留學生講台語或蹩腳英文,還會給我們白眼... 嘿.結果現在竟然有ABT跑回台灣教訓我. 怪怪...
在美國我可是從沒看過大陸人欺負圍剿跟辱罵ABT哦.. 他們ABT英文那麼溜,又是美國公民,誰敢啊.
大概是在美國: 美國白人歧視ABT, ABT又歧視台灣老留學生,讓我現在潛意識理就很討厭ABT在台灣耀武揚威的.
I am a Taiwanese, born and raised in Taiwan. My parents, their parents and even their parents were born in Taiwan. So technically my ancestors were Taiwanese. I am very proud of being Taiwanese and I am not afraid of telling those barbaric chinese I met in North America or Europe that I am TAIWANESE. They certainly will do everything they can to make it hell for any Taiwanese but I fight back. No one is ever allowed to call me chinese. It's same thing as the f word to me. What an insult. Anyway, keep up the good work. Very proud of you.
To: 正港台灣人你好像對ABT有深仇大恨耶
I've studied in many places outside of Taiwan. So I know what you are talking about. When it comes to ABT, the most they do is just ignoring you but those chinese barbarians are the ones that will actually come and pick on you. When I meet someone that I don't like, I just ignore the person and I don't think anything is wrong with that. You can't expect everybody to be your best friend. But if they're trying to pick a fight then bring it on. I will fight and I don't lose. So chinese people stay away from Taiwan.
大概是在美國: 美國白人歧視ABT, ABT又歧視台灣老留學生,讓我現在潛意識理就很討厭ABT在台灣耀武揚威的.
你嘛卡拜脫哎 誰"仇視"誰了啊 你想太多了吧
I met quite a few and I had no problem with them. And I also met quite a few chinese and had problem with most of them.
This is not a place to fight with ABT. Get your priority straight. We are talking about problems between Taiwan and china.
正港台灣人想起十幾年前在美國唸書時...orz??? 但他又在Eric的blog叫別人(buddahwind)幫他中翻英,這太超白爛的吧?所以他可能就是..
就說過偶們是"老"留學生嘛 ABT聽偶們的蹩腳英文還給我們白眼
正港台灣人你在講英文的國家裡用你的爛英文和別人溝通,誰有那個美國時間等你在那雞雞歪歪的,不用說abt,甚而黑人,白人都會給你白眼看待 再來,不用說美國,給在台灣也一樣,不用怨別人,沒人有那個時間等你 此外,你老留學生少在那裝台灣注音國語,臭老當可愛...令人作嘔,吐!
ㄒㄧㄟˋㄒㄧㄟˋ你說偶口愛啦 偶要趕快企照鏡子了
不要只會在台灣叫囂 打台灣警察
有本事 就和Eric去大陸殺共匪啊..
這麼勇敢要台獨 再四十天直航就截彎取直
趕快組個殺共匪團 吃完早餐飛去殺共匪 晚上可能還能趕回來吃宵業
您的膽小才對不起您的支那國. 去大陸殺共匪...是您支那人kmt開的玩笑!看還是先殺光你們人在台心在支那的支那犬再說唷.
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